2024 Biennial Report
OJC Constitution
Judicial Associations
Citizen Guide Brochures
Jury Service Materials
Policy Statements
Tools and Bench Aids
Bills that Impact the Judiciary
Enactment Summaries
Legislative Platform
Judicial-Legislative Exchange Program
Legislative Publications
Legislative Staff
2024 Directory Changes
2024 New Judges
2025 New Judges
Bills that Impact the Judiciary
General Assembly:
General Assembly 129
General Assembly 130
General Assembly 131
General Assembly 132
General Assembly 133
General Assembly 134
General Assembly 135
HB 005 - Modernize the adoption process
HB 014 - Regards equal parental time and responsibilities for a child
HB 020 - Computer Crimes Act
HB 023 - Transportation Budget
HB 029 - Regards driver's license suspensions-failure to pay child support
HB 033 - Establishes operating appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025
HB 034 - Excuse breast-feeding mothers from jury service
HB 035 - Eliminate limitations period for certain sexual abuse claims
HB 037 - Increase penalties for OVI and aggravated vehicular homicide
HB 050 - Create mechanism to allow relief-collateral sanction for housing
HB 056 - Increase penalty-fleeing police; regards motor vehicle pursuit
HB 059 - Provide counsel to destitute defendants facing eviction
HB 064 - Modify eminent domain law
HB 068 - Enact Ohio Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act
HB 069 - Revise membership of county veterans service commissions
HB 077 - Regards the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles in Ohio
HB 085 - Expand methods by which land banks acquire delinquent property
HB 091 - Prohibit installing tracking device or app without consent
HB 100 - Thin Blue Line Flag
HB 101 - Modify the law regarding village dissolution
HB 111 - Increase sentence range for third degree felony domestic violence
HB 122 - Expand intimidation offenses to include guardians ad litem
HB 124 - Eliminate period of limitation - rape prosecution or civil action
HB 139 - Increase assault penalties if the victim is a sports official
HB 143 - Enact the Ohio Safe Homes Act
HB 144 - Allow an August special election for certain purposes
HB 148 - Require sexual motivation for criminal child enticement offense
HB 150 - Prohibit rental discrimination based on lawful source of income
HB 157 - Create the Bureau of Hate Crimes in the Attorney General's Office
HB 161 - Eliminate spousal exceptions for certain sex offenses
HB 170 - Enact Extreme Risk Protection Order Act
HB 179 - Regards vicarious liability in tort actions; statutes of repose
HB 181 - Regards recorded instruments, powers of attorney, judgment liens
HB 191 - Bail reform
HB 196 - Change maximum periods of community control sanctions
HB 206 - Regards public school expulsion for actions dangerous to others
HB 230 - Regards drug trafficking, organized trafficking of persons
HB 233 - Enact the Self-Defense Protection Act
HB 234 - Regards imposing sentence on offender who entered an Alford plea
HB 265 - Exempt certain public service workers' forms from disclosure
HB 272 - Allow concealed carry in certain buildings with a courtroom
HB 283 - Add a judge to the Adams County Court of Common Pleas
HB 289 - Regards SORN law compliance; add new sexually oriented offense
HB 295 - Enact the Innocence Act
HB 305 - Regards electronic filing of court documents; computerization
HB 314 - Regards juvenile court transfer to juvenile's home county
HB 322 - Regards childhood sexual abuse registrants, offense of grooming
HB 338 - Allow child support orders for children over 18 with a disability
HB 366 - Enact FORCE Act re: organized retail theft
HB 371 - Enact Issue 1 Implementation Act
HB 429 - Regards traffic offenses in construction zones
HB 460 - Enacts the Getting Rehabilitated Ohioans Working Act
HB 531 - Enact Braden's Law to prohibit sexual extortion
HB 583 - Express intent to increase accountability for group homes
SB 009 - Revise medical marijuana law
SB 016 - Marsy's Law Corrections
SB 019 - Regards non-recourse civil litigation advance business
SB 021 - Regards venue for appeal from an agency order, court changes
SB 025 - Regards real property foreclosures
SB 026 - Regards operating a vehicle, watercraft under marihuana influence
SB 032 - Grant immunity for self or other-defense in certain circumstances
SB 037 - Regards driver's license suspension law; financial responsibility
SB 046 - Provide for electronic execution of wills, other documents
SB 050 - Revise 9-1-1 law; regards emergency telecommunicator training
SB 063 - Require plaintiff in asbestos claim to file specified disclosures
SB 094 - Regards the Treasurer of State, recorded instruments, liens, etc.
SB 100 - Prohibit installing tracking device or app without consent
SB 101 - Abolish death penalty; modify juror challenges in certain cases
SB 105 - Regards ADAMH boards; recovery housing residences
SB 122 - Revise the law regarding bail
SB 127 - Eliminate spousal exception for sex offenses; allow testimony
SB 164 - Enact the Suicide Self-Defense Act
SB 173 - Make election officials public service workers re:public records
SB 176 - Allow child support orders for children over 18 with a disability
SB 214 - Allow human trafficking victim to expunge certain records
SB 237 - Enacts the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act
Court Administration
Domestic Relations
Specialized Docket
HB 5
Modernize the adoption process
Ray, Baker
More Information
HB 5 Modernize the adoption process
Judge Dunn HB 5 Senate Testimony FINAL.pdf
Judge Gallagher HB 5 Senate Testimony FINAL.pdf
HB 14
Regards equal parental time and responsibilities for a child
Creech, John
HB 20
Computer Crimes Act
HB 23
Transportation Budget
HB 29
Regards driver's license suspensions-failure to pay child support
Humphrey, Brewer
More Information
HB 29 Regards driver's license suspensions-failure to pay child support
HB 29 - Enactment Summary.pdf
HB 33
Establishes operating appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025
More Information
HB 33 Establishes operating appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025
HB 33 Enactment Summary
HB 34
Excuse breast-feeding mothers from jury service
Klopfenstein, King
More Information
HB 34 Excuse breast-feeding mothers from jury service
HB 34 Impact Statement.pdf
HB 35
Eliminate limitations period for certain sexual abuse claims
Seitz, Miranda
More Information
HB 35 Eliminate limitations period for certain sexual abuse claims
HB 35 Enactment News
HB 37
Increase penalties for OVI and aggravated vehicular homicide
Johnson, Miller
More Information
HB 37 Increase penalties for OVI and aggravated vehicular homicide
HB 37 - Enactment Summary.pdf
HB 50
Create mechanism to allow relief-collateral sanction for housing
Humphrey, Seitz
More Information
HB 50 Create mechanism to allow relief-collateral sanction for housing
HB 50 Impact Statement.pdf
HB 50 Enactment.pdf
HB 56
Increase penalty-fleeing police; regards motor vehicle pursuit
Plummer, White
More Information
HB 56 Increase penalty-fleeing police; regards motor vehicle pursuit
HB 56 - Enactment Summary.pdf
HB 59
Provide counsel to destitute defendants facing eviction
Galonski, Miller
HB 64
Modify eminent domain law
Kick, Creech
HB 68
Enact Ohio Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act
HB 69
Revise membership of county veterans service commissions
Stewart, Willis
HB 77
Regards the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles in Ohio
More Information
HB 77 Regards the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles in Ohio
HB 77 - Enactment Summary.pdf
HB 85
Expand methods by which land banks acquire delinquent property
HB 91
Prohibit installing tracking device or app without consent
HB 100
Thin Blue Line Flag
HB 101
Modify the law regarding village dissolution
Bird, Schmidt
HB 111
Increase sentence range for third degree felony domestic violence
LeRe, Miller
More Information
HB 111 Increase sentence range for third degree felony domestic violence
HB 111- Enactment Summary.pdf
HB 122
Expand intimidation offenses to include guardians ad litem
Pavliga, Miller
More Information
HB 122 Expand intimidation offenses to include guardians ad litem
This item does not have any additional information.
HB 124
Eliminate period of limitation - rape prosecution or civil action
Galonski, Miranda
HB 139
Increase assault penalties if the victim is a sports official
Roemer, Miller
More Information
HB 139 Increase assault penalties if the victim is a sports official
HB 139 Impact Statement.pdf
HB 143
Enact the Ohio Safe Homes Act
HB 144
Allow an August special election for certain purposes
HB 148
Require sexual motivation for criminal child enticement offense
HB 150
Prohibit rental discrimination based on lawful source of income
Upchurch, Miller
HB 157
Create the Bureau of Hate Crimes in the Attorney General's Office
Weinstein, Somani
HB 161
Eliminate spousal exceptions for certain sex offenses
Miranda, Hillyer
More Information
HB 161 Eliminate spousal exceptions for certain sex offenses
HB 161 - Enactment Summary.pdf
HB 170
Enact Extreme Risk Protection Order Act
Grim, Thomas
HB 179
Regards vicarious liability in tort actions; statutes of repose
Mathews, Stewart
More Information
HB 179 Regards vicarious liability in tort actions; statutes of repose
HB 179 Enactment.pdf
HB 181
Regards recorded instruments, powers of attorney, judgment liens
Hillyer, Williams
HB 191
Bail reform
Swearingen, Seitz
More Information
HB 191 Bail reform
HB 191 Enactment News
HB 196
Change maximum periods of community control sanctions
Williams, Seitz
HB 206
Regards public school expulsion for actions dangerous to others
Click, Robb Blasdel
HB 230
Regards drug trafficking, organized trafficking of persons
Abrams, Swearingen
More Information
HB 230 Regards drug trafficking, organized trafficking of persons
HB 230 Impact Statement.pdf
HB 233
Enact the Self-Defense Protection Act
Williams, Hillyer
More Information
HB 233 Enact the Self-Defense Protection Act
HB 233 Impact Statement.pdf
HB 234
Regards imposing sentence on offender who entered an Alford plea
Williams, Rogers, Jr.
More Information
HB 234 Regards imposing sentence on offender who entered an Alford plea
HB 234 Impact Statement.pdf
Enactment Summary - HB 234.pdf
HB 265
Exempt certain public service workers' forms from disclosure
Wiggam, Hall
More Information
HB 265 Exempt certain public service workers' forms from disclosure
HB 265 Enactment News Updated
HB 272
Allow concealed carry in certain buildings with a courtroom
Mathews, Pizzulli
More Information
HB 272 Allow concealed carry in certain buildings with a courtroom
HB 272 Testimony
HB 272 Impact Statement.pdf
HB 283
Add a judge to the Adams County Court of Common Pleas
HB 289
Regards SORN law compliance; add new sexually oriented offense
Robb Blasdel, Swearingen
More Information
HB 289 Regards SORN law compliance; add new sexually oriented offense
HB 289 - Enactment Summary.pdf
HB 295
Enact the Innocence Act
HB 305
Regards electronic filing of court documents; computerization
Stewart, Brown
HB 314
Regards juvenile court transfer to juvenile's home county
Bird, Williams
HB 322
Regards childhood sexual abuse registrants, offense of grooming
Seitz, Abrams
More Information
HB 322 Regards childhood sexual abuse registrants, offense of grooming
HB 322 - Enactment Summary.pdf
HB 338
Allow child support orders for children over 18 with a disability
More Information
HB 338 Allow child support orders for children over 18 with a disability
Judge Preisse HB 338 Testimony FINAL.pdf
HB 366
Enact FORCE Act re: organized retail theft
More Information
HB 366 Enact FORCE Act re: organized retail theft
HB 366 - Enactment Summary.pdf
HB 371
Enact Issue 1 Implementation Act
Dean, Gross
More Information
HB 371 Enact Issue 1 Implementation Act
HB 371 Impact Statement.pdf
HB 429
Regards traffic offenses in construction zones
Click, Johnson
More Information
HB 429 Regards traffic offenses in construction zones
OJC Letter - HB 429.pdf
HB 460
Enacts the Getting Rehabilitated Ohioans Working Act
Hillyer, Seitz
More Information
HB 460 Enacts the Getting Rehabilitated Ohioans Working Act
OJC Letter - HB 460.pdf
HB 531
Enact Braden's Law to prohibit sexual extortion
Lear, Lorenz
More Information
HB 531 Enact Braden's Law to prohibit sexual extortion
HB 531 - Enactment Summary.pdf
HB 583
Express intent to increase accountability for group homes
More Information
HB 583 Express intent to increase accountability for group homes
OJC HB 583 Testimony FINAL.pdf
SB 9
Revise medical marijuana law
Huffman, Schuring
SB 16
Marsy's Law Corrections
More Information
SB 16 Marsy's Law Corrections
SB 16 Enactment Summary
SB 19
Regards non-recourse civil litigation advance business
SB 21
Regards venue for appeal from an agency order, court changes
McColly, Reynolds
More Information
SB 21 Regards venue for appeal from an agency order, court changes
SB 21 Enactment Summary.pdf
SB 25
Regards real property foreclosures
SB 26
Regards operating a vehicle, watercraft under marihuana influence
SB 32
Grant immunity for self or other-defense in certain circumstances
SB 37
Regards driver's license suspension law; financial responsibility
Blessing, III, Ingram
SB 46
Provide for electronic execution of wills, other documents
SB 50
Revise 9-1-1 law; regards emergency telecommunicator training
Wilson, Smith
SB 63
Require plaintiff in asbestos claim to file specified disclosures
More Information
SB 63 Require plaintiff in asbestos claim to file specified disclosures
SB 63 Enactment Summary.pdf
SB 63 Impact Statement.pdf
SB 94
Regards the Treasurer of State, recorded instruments, liens, etc.
Brenner, Landis
More Information
SB 94 Regards the Treasurer of State, recorded instruments, liens, etc.
SB 94 - Enactment Summary.pdf
SB 100
Prohibit installing tracking device or app without consent
Manning, Antonio
More Information
SB 100 Prohibit installing tracking device or app without consent
SB 100 - Enactment Summary.pdf
SB 101
Abolish death penalty; modify juror challenges in certain cases
Antonio, Huffman
SB 105
Regards ADAMH boards; recovery housing residences
Johnson, Sykes
SB 122
Revise the law regarding bail
Manning, Hicks-Hudson
SB 127
Eliminate spousal exception for sex offenses; allow testimony
Kunze, Manning
SB 164
Enact the Suicide Self-Defense Act
SB 173
Make election officials public service workers re:public records
DeMora, Gavarone
SB 176
Allow child support orders for children over 18 with a disability
Sykes, Romanchuk
SB 214
Allow human trafficking victim to expunge certain records
More Information
SB 214 Allow human trafficking victim to expunge certain records
SB 214 - Enactment Summary.pdf
SB 237
Enacts the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act
Gavarone, Manning
More Information
SB 237 Enacts the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act
SB 237 Enactment Summary.pdf
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