Child Sexual Abuse Bench Book
Judge Robert P. Ringland's guide to assist the bench in addressing evidentiary issues common to child sexual abuse cases (7/1/2015) |
Department of Rehabilitations and Corrections Form 2599
Form for Judicial Request for Community Sanctions (3/19/2014) |
Duty to Fingerprint
Chapter 109 of the Revised Code creates responsibilities to obtain and maintain fingerprints |
LEADS Information Exchange Agreement
Examples of LEADS information exchange agreements. (3/13/2018) |
Marcy's Law and Crime Victims Rights
A link to the Supreme Court's resources for the rights of victims of crimes
Offense Lists
Marijuana Offenses
Offense List - with Subsections
Criminal Offenses Outside Title 29
Title 29 Offenses and Penalties
Lists of all criminal offenses in the Ohio Revised Code; a work in progress |
Ohio AG Advisement re Attorneys & Inmates
Attorney General Advisement on Attorneys and Inmates. |
Probation Supervision and Revocation Policies Model
These entries are provided to assist counties in developing probation supervision and violations policies as mandated in House Bill 86, effective September 30, 2011. (2/28/2014) |
Public Defender (Ohio) Standards and Guidelines
This is a link to the State Public Defender website for the Ohio Attorney Qualifications and Exemptions Guidance |
Sentencing Entry Model
The Criminal Sentencing Commission’s Uniform Sentencing Entry Resources |
Sealing and Expungement Flowchart
Sealing and Expungement Chart Offense Eligibility Flowchart (updated March 2025) |
Procedure for Expunging Previously Sealed Record
Judge Patrick Carroll's suggested procedure for expunging a previously sealed conviction record (updated September 2023) |
Violent Offender Database
The sentencing court is required to provide this notice to the offender, and require the offender to sign a form stating that he or she has received and understands the notice. The court must then provide a copy of the signed form to the sheriff of the county where the offender intends to reside. Before sentencing a “violent offender” (murder, aggravated murder, voluntary manslaughter, kidnapping, or F2 abduction or a substantially equivalent out-of-state offense), the court is required to inform the offender of his or her right to request relief from enrollment duties, the presumption and the process and criteria for rebutting it, as well as the possible outcome and effects thereof.