Tools and Bench Aids




Certification for Qualification for Employment

Fee Waiver Affidavit (draft)

Determination of Indigence in Civil Filings

Receiverships: Model Local Rule

On November 4th, 2011, the Executive Committee of the Ohio Judicial Conference approved a model local rule for receiverships as submitted by the Civil Law and Procedure Committee. (11/4/2011)

Veterans Civil Legal Services

Civil Legal Services for Ohio's Veterans

Court Administration

Address Confidentiality for Judges

Information and Attorney General form for address confidentiality provisions established in GA 132, HB 341.  (Updated 9/2024)

Court Fines/Costs Bench Card

This bench card briefly explains the differences between court costs and fines, when enforcing fines by incarceration is appropriate, and the process for a court to substitute community service as payment for court costs. It also includes citations to state statutes and court cases. (2/10/2014)

Interfaith Calendar

A calendar which contains a comprehensive list of holidays throughout the year.  Please remember this calendar is only for guidance and is not a requirement to use.

Language Line Language List

Over-the-phone interpreting language list. (6/17/2015)

Language Line Quick Reference Guide

A quick reference guide to access an interpreter. (6/17/2015)

Language Services Benchcard

Language services program benchcard. (6/17/2015)

Reparations Rotary Reporting

Reparations Rotary Reporting for Courts (Revised 6/2017)

Common Pleas

OCPJA Bench Book

Bench Book for Common Pleas Judges (Edited Regularly)

Community Corrections

Probation Supervision and Revocation Policies Model

These entries are provided to assist counties in developing probation supervision and violations policies as mandated in House Bill 86, effective September 30, 2011. (2/28/2014)


Child Sexual Abuse Bench Book

Judge Robert P. Ringland's guide to assist the bench in addressing evidentiary issues common to child sexual abuse cases (7/1/2015)

Department of Rehabilitations and Corrections Form 2599

Form for Judicial Request for Community Sanctions (3/19/2014)

Duty to Fingerprint

Chapter 109 of the Revised Code creates responsibilities to obtain and maintain fingerprints

LEADS Information Exchange Agreement

Examples of LEADS information exchange agreements. (3/13/2018)

Marcy's Law and Crime Victims Rights

A link to the Supreme Court's resources for the rights of victims of crimes

Offense Lists

Marijuana Offenses

Offense List - with Subsections

Criminal Offenses Outside Title 29

Title 29 Offenses and Penalties

Lists of all criminal offenses in the Ohio Revised Code; a work in progress

Ohio AG Advisement re Attorneys & Inmates

Attorney General Advisement on Attorneys and Inmates.

Probation Supervision and Revocation Policies Model

These entries are provided to assist counties in developing probation supervision and violations policies as mandated in House Bill 86, effective September 30, 2011. (2/28/2014)

Public Defender (Ohio) Standards and Guidelines

This is a link to the State Public Defender website for the Ohio Attorney Qualifications and Exemptions Guidance

Sentencing Entry Model

The Criminal Sentencing Commission’s Uniform Sentencing Entry Resources

Sealing and Expungement Flowchart

Sealing and Expungement Chart Offense Eligibility Flowchart (updated March 2025)

Procedure for Expunging Previously Sealed Record


Judge Patrick Carroll's suggested procedure for expunging a previously sealed conviction record (updated September 2023)

Violent Offender Database


The sentencing court is required to provide this notice to the offender, and require the offender to sign a form stating that he or she has received and understands the notice. The court must then provide a copy of the signed form to the sheriff of the county where the offender intends to reside. Before sentencing a “violent offender” (murder, aggravated murder, voluntary manslaughter, kidnapping, or F2 abduction or a substantially equivalent out-of-state offense), the court is required to inform the offender of his or her right to request relief from enrollment duties, the presumption and the process and criteria for rebutting it, as well as the possible outcome and effects thereof.



Juvenile Bench Books


This is a link to the Ohio Supreme Court website that provides links to Bench Books, Cards and Tools, including Juvenile.

Marcy's Law and Crime Victims Rights

A link to the Supreme Court's resources for the rights of victims of crimes


Guardianship Guidebook

Understanding your role as a Guardian. 

If you have any questions, please contact your local Probate Court.

Lorain County Probate Court Local Rule 66.09

Local rule on the confidentiality of guardianship files (2/11/2019)

Probate Bench Cards

Ohio's probate bench cards were developed to support judicial officers in their duty to provide comprehensive and timely judicial action in probate cases. The probate bench cards were a collaborative between the Ohio Association of Probate Judges and the Supreme Court of Ohio. (6/23/2014)

Probate Checklists (Shelby County)

The Shelby County Probate Court’s program helps attorneys and pro se filers to provide the necessary probate forms required in most probate proceedings. This “checklist” provides attorneys and pro se filers with the tools they need to process pleadings in a timely fashion and avoid delays due to omissions and errors. (1/22/2014)

Professionalism and Ethics

Code of Judicial Conduct (Ohio)

This is a link from the Ohio Supreme Court which explains the Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct

This is a Bench Card provided by the several groups which can help judges maintain the perceived fairness of court proceedings

Professional Ideals for Ohio Lawyers and Judges

This is a link to the "Professional Ideals for Ohio Lawyers and Judges" which is from the Ohio Supreme Court's website.  This publication puts forward ideals of professionalism for lawyers and judges


License Reinstatement Fee Amnesty Program Guide

License Reinstatement Fee Amnesty Program Guide

Driver's License Suspensions and Reinstatement Handbook (Ohio)

Judge Deborah J. Nicastro and Magistrate Robert G. Walton's Ohio Driver's License Suspensions and Reinstatement Handbook - A Practical Guide for Attorneys. (Sixth Edition - February 1, 2021)

IDAT Manual


IDAT Fact Sheet

A resource manual on indigent driver's alcohol treatment (IDAT) funds that outlines the statutory code provision that govern IDAT funds and describes best practices for administering the funds. The reference manual includes sample court entries and examples of memoranda of understanding entered into by some courts and their local boards. The manual was created jointly by the Judicial Conference, the Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities (OACBHA), and the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS)

Ignition Interlock Requirements

HB 388 review and update for municipal and county court judges from Judge Ken Spanagel. (4/6/2017)

Impaired Driving Law (Ohio)

Judge Jennifer P. Weiler's updated chart for Impaired Driving Laws. (updated 2024)

Intoxilyzer 8000

A continually updated listing of decisions addressing Intoxilyzer 8000 issues. Each order shows how one judge handled an issue. Inclusion of an order in this list does not give the order any greater precedential significance. (1/30/2014)

LEADS Information Exchange Agreement

Examples of LEADS information exchange agreements. (3/13/2018)

License Reinstatement Fee Amnesty Program Guide

License Reinstatement Fee Amnesty Program Guide

License Suspension Under 4510.73: Transfer of Jurisdiction

A Model Form for Consolidation of Jurisdiction in Traffic Cases

License Suspensions Under RC 4510.73: Judgment Entry

A Model Form for Consolidation of Jurisdiction in Traffic Cases

Ohio Driver's 
License Law

Prepared by Retired Judge Jennifer Weiler, Garfield Heights Municipal Court (5-2023)

OVI Motion to Suppress Evidence in a Nutshell

Prepared by Retired Judge Jennifer Weiler, Garfield Heights Municipal Court (1/2023)

OVI - Motion to Suppress Checklist

Prepared by Shaker Heights Municipal Court and Judge K.J. Montgomery. (5/26/2022)


Service Member Civil Relief Act Bench Aid

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is located at 50 U.S.C. App. § 501 et seq. In using this checklist, keep in mind the purpose of the Act: to enable servicemembers (SMs) to devote their entire energy to the defense of the nation, and to provide for the temporary suspension of judicial and administrative proceedings and transactions that may adversely affect the civil rights of SMs during their military service. 50 U.S.C. App. § 502.  Some of the sections of the Ohio Revised Code that supplement the SCRA are included in this checklist. (10/17/2012)

Veterans Civil Legal Services

Civil Legal Services for Ohio's Veterans

Veterans Service Commission Appointment Guidelines

Appointment guidelines and recommended best practices for Veterans Service Commission appointments made by judges. (4/2/2012)